AWL are committed to reducing waste to improve the environment.

Our achievements to date are:

– Securing lottery funding for our Waste Consumption Reduction Project –  Reduce and Recycle Hub 

The Project Operating in Acton has helped residents make the following savings since October 2022

  • Collected and Recycled 298kg of clothing
  • Collected and Recycled of small electrical items
  • Rehomed over 200 books with our book swap scheme
  • Helped reduce local carbon emissions by 2.965 tonnes
  • Helped reduce water waste by 437M3

– Implementing Hybrid working

Our Hybrid working policy means

  • Staff are working from home thus reducing their use of  cars and public transport
  • Teams meetings mean we print less documents to accompany meetings thus reducing our use of paper
  • Less staff in the office reduces our buildings carbon foodprint, reducing our overhall use of gas, eletrics and water.
  • Staff working from home are reducing their use of single use plastics, and food wrappers by eating at home

For more information please contact