Today we meet Reverend Joseph Fernandes, one of our newest trustees. Joseph, who is the Anglican Rector of St Mary’s Acton, joined our board last year. Alongside his role as Rector, he serves as the London Diocesan Chaplain for the Gypsy and Traveller Communities.
Joseph also holds the honorary title of Prebendary of St Paul’s Cathedral. Prebendaries play an important role in maintaining strong connections between the Cathedral and parishes across London.
Joseph is passionate about social justice, homelessness, inclusivity, diversity and community service.

Revd Fernandes AWL trustee
Tell us about your trustee role – what does it involve?
I’m currently a Trustee-designate, but really looking forward to becoming more involved and attuned to AWL.
What originally made you want to become a trustee for AWL?
I live in West London, and am a firm believer in using your resources to help others where possible. Aside from my professional experience, I provide help and support to those within my network in building employability skills, as well as give lectures at my alama mater (Queen Mary University of London) on building skills for the workplace. I was introduced to AWL (and Tony) by my sister-in-law, who thought a role as an AWL Trustee would be a good fit for me!
What are your goals as a trustee?
As a trustee of Action West London, my main goal is to ensure we’re truly helping people improve their lives through employment, education, and entrepreneurship. I want to make sure we’re using our resources wisely, getting the best results for the community, and staying aligned with our mission.
I’d like to focus on measuring our impact—making sure the programs are making a difference and reaching the people who need them the most. I also see it as important to build relationships with donors, local businesses, and community partners to strengthen the charity’s work and expand its reach.
How do you think your personal and employment experiences guide you as a trustee?
My personal passion for helping others and my professional experience in strategic planning and problem-solving will guide me as a Trustee. I understand how important it is to collaborate with different stakeholders, manage resources effectively, and measure the impact of what we do. Having worked in teams facing challenges, I also know how to support staff in a practical, balanced way. These experiences help me contribute meaningfully to Action West London’s mission and ensure we’re making a real difference in the community.
How do your skills and knowledge from your career translate into your trustee role?
My background in corporate finance equips me with skills in financial analysis, budgeting, and risk management, which are crucial for overseeing the charity’s resources and ensuring financial sustainability. I’m used to evaluating the financial health of organisations, making strategic decisions, and maximising value, all of which directly translate into ensuring Action West London operates efficiently and stays aligned with its goals. These skills also help in assessing potential risks and opportunities, enabling the charity to grow and have a greater impact.
What do you find most rewarding about being a trustee?
What I find most rewarding about being a trustee is knowing I’m helping make a real difference—without having to run any actual marathons or bake sales! It’s great to use my skills for something meaningful and see the impact we’re having on people’s lives, while still getting to wear a suit.
What’s the most fun thing about being a trustee?
Getting to make big decisions for a great cause without having to build a complex financial model to assess the most viable route! Plus, it’s rewarding to be part of a team that’s all about making a difference—no spreadsheets required (well, not too many)!
What’s been your proudest moment as a trustee?
My proudest moment as a trustee has to be when I was nominated for the role. It felt incredibly validating to be recognised for my commitment to the cause and the contributions I could bring to the organisation. Knowing that my skills and experiences were valued enough to take on this responsibility is truly rewarding.
Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to meet the passionate individuals that make up AWL who share the same vision for making a difference in the community. This experience has not only deepened my understanding of the challenges faced by those we serve but has also reinforced my commitment to creating positive change.
What advice would you give to others who are considering becoming a trustee?
If you’re thinking about becoming a trustee, my advice is simple: be ready to roll up your sleeves and get stuck in! It’s very much like joining a really important club—only instead of secret handshakes, you get to tackle big issues and make a difference in your local community. Just remember, you don’t have to be an expert in everything; you just need a passion for helping others and a willingness to learn.