The pursuit of diversity, inclusion, and equality remains an ongoing global challenge. The labour market, in particular, continues to grapple with pervasive issues of discrimination. In the United Kingdom, a particular group finds itself at a unique intersection of bias – ethnic minority women. This demographic faces what is often termed as ‘double jeopardy,’ a dual discrimination based on both race and gender.

The Double Bind of Ethnic Minority Women

Ethnic minority women in the UK labour market experience a twofold barrier: racial discrimination and gender bias. This double-bind situation means they often face higher levels of discrimination compared to their white female and ethnic minority male counterparts.

Several studies show that ethnic minority women are less likely to be called for job interviews compared to candidates with traditionally British names, despite identical qualifications and experience. This phenomenon, known as name discrimination, has been cited as a significant barrier to ethnic minority women’s employment prospects.

Moreover, once employed, they often encounter a ‘concrete ceiling’ – an invisible barrier that prevents them from rising to higher positions of power. This is exacerbated by stereotyping and bias that characterise ethnic minority women as either overly aggressive or excessively submissive.

The Wage Gap Woes

The gender pay gap is a widely recognised issue in the UK, with women earning less on average than men. However, for ethnic minority women, this gap is even wider. The intersection of gender and racial disparities results in a compounded wage gap that leaves ethnic minority women earning significantly less than their white male and female counterparts.

The wage gap for ethnic minority women is not just about unequal pay for equal work. It also reflects occupational segregation – the concentration of ethnic minority women in lower-paid sectors and roles. This is often due to a lack of opportunities for advancement and the undervaluation of work traditionally performed by women and ethnic minorities.

The Psychological Impact

Beyond the economic repercussions, the discrimination faced by ethnic minority women in the UK labour market can have profound psychological effects. Feelings of marginalisation, stress, and lower job satisfaction are common. The constant negotiation of stereotypes and biases can lead to a phenomenon known as ‘stereotype threat’, where the fear of confirming negative stereotypes leads to decreased performance.

Strategies for Change

Addressing this double jeopardy requires concerted efforts from all facets of society. Here are a few key strategies:

  1. Awareness and Education: Widespread awareness of the unique challenges faced by ethnic minority women is the first step. This can be facilitated through diversity and inclusion training, which should include a focus on intersectionality – the way different forms of discrimination interact.
  2. Policy and Legislation: Stronger enforcement of anti-discrimination laws is crucial. Additionally, policies promoting equal opportunities and pay equity can help level the playing field. Intersectionality should also be considered in policy-making to ensure that initiatives cater to those facing multiple forms of discrimination.
  3. Supportive Workplace Practices: Employers should implement practices to support ethnic minority women. This could include mentoring programs, diversity targets, and unbiased recruitment and promotion processes. It’s also essential to foster a supportive and inclusive workplace culture where all employees feel valued and respected.
  4. Research and Data Collection: More comprehensive data collection on ethnic minority women in the labour market can help illuminate the scale of the issue and inform policy and practice. Research can also identify effective interventions to tackle this double discrimination.

Ethnic minority women bring invaluable perspectives, skills, and talents to the UK labour market. Recognising and addressing the unique barriers they face is not just a matter of fairness – it’s also a crucial step towards a more diverse, inclusive, and productive workforce. With continued efforts, we can hope for a UK labour market that truly values the contributions of all.

AWL attempts to champion these groups of women in the labour market and along with unconscious bias try to advocate and job broke for them. AWL is currently facing funding shortfalls which in the future will curtail the scope of our work. We have been particularly hit hard with the loss of European Social Fund.

If you are an employer or a local resident get in touch to see how we can support, you as an individual or as an employer filling your vacancies. As a charity we are open to the whole community.

If you are interested drop me a line at