Employability Day 2023 takes place on Friday 30 June this year and the theme is #WorkingForBetterWork

This theme represents the brilliant work being done by ERSA members to: provide inclusive, innovative and inspiring employment support, secure great value for taxpayers, create solutions for a fairer labour market and sustain nationwide communities of good practise.

With the number of people out of work due to long-term ill health at its highest ever point, the employability sector is needed more than ever to holistically support these people into the labour market. The UK labour market is transforming in front of us. 4.4 million people worked in the gig economy last year; working from home is now the norm for many sectors of the economy; in-work poverty and universal credit; economic inactivity and the flight of older people from the labour market; green jobs and emerging technologies.

All this month we will be celebrating employability day by sharing useful tools and tips on interview skills and we will be co hosting a Job Workshop on the 20th of June.

Here are a few ideas on how you can celebrate

















ForĀ  more information visit: www.ersa.org.uk/