Our August client survey showed that there have been no changes to clients level of satisfaction with our services and their feedback continues to be very positive (98% rate their experience at AWL as good or very good and 100% found their advisor supportive and helpful).


Clients continue to report feeling welcomed at AWL (100%) and there’s a good level of satisfaction with the support they’ve received including agreeing the action plan which they have found informative, practical and helpful.


99% felt that the advisor was able to help them with their problem. The percentage of clients happy to recommend us remains unchanged at 97%.


It’s good to see the range of additional information that we give to our clients with advice on courses taking the top spot and employment and training opportunities in close second


Here’s a selection of some of the positive comments from clients:


Support was tailored to my needs and I was able to find a job as a result.


All actions were correct and my advisor was a competent person.


You got a professional, friendly nice and very good advisor, a person who does everything to the smile in her client’s face ????


I was able to get onto a short course quite quickly and once I passed I was passed through to an employer who helped me into work and I am really happy now that I am in work.


For more information about our work email ; info@actionwestlondon.org.uk