Each month we ask our clients to give us feedback on their experience of using our services.
In May 2023 around 90 of our clients responded back to our client feedback survey, here is a summary of what they told us.
- An overall picture of who we are currently working with shows that;
80% of respondents where currently participating in an active Action West London project.
65% of those respondents where male.
28% of respondents where aged between 19-24 years old.
18% of respondents where Black African / Black Caribbean, 11% Arab, 9% south Asian and 11% white British.
Projects currently helping the majority of our respondents where;
- Digital Academies Project
- NEET Young People
- Positive Turnaround
What did clients say about their experience of working with us?
100% felt the information about the programme they were participating in was clear, accurate and helpful.
100% felt their action plan was clear and that they understood how to follow it.
100% fed back that the information, advice and guidance they received was informative and practical.
100% said their advisor helped them with their problem!
Clients also fedback that we were able to help them with additional information as shown below.
100% of all respondents said that their advisor had been supportive and helpful.
96% of clients responded said that that they would recommend Action West London to a friend.
Here is what some of those clients told us in their own words
‘The advisor solved my issue’
‘Very helpful and understanding ”
‘Great support and consistent maintenance of contact throughout’
If you need our help or support, with education, employment and enterprise, simply email us at info@actionwestlondon.org.uk